Monday, February 27, 2012

Thanks Amy's Dad

We are huge fans of the show "Up All Night" in my house. It seems like every week they're tackling some parenting disaster we just went through. Like the episode when Regan and Chris take Amy to the beach only to realize after getting all the crap in the car there's no room for the baby. On our little guy's first visit to the beach it took 2 hours to get there. We were only a mile away. I can't think of another show that does a better job of making light of first time parenting mishaps. Reminding us that we're still "normal". Not to mention Will Arnett is the cutest dad on the playground. They've filmed in our neighborhood, just a few blocks from our house. During which we'll find any excuse to walk past the set in hopes of catching a glimpse of Regan, Chris or Ava. We've yet to have a run in.

This morning I took my little guy on a walk to Starbucks. We were about half way there and it started to rain. Angelenos have a fear of rain. Don't blame us, we only get to see it a few times a year. I frantically pulled out the stroller rain cover and happened to have an umbrella in the basket. Yes, I carry an umbrella at all times. What can I say...I'm a worst case scenario parent. I continue on the walk with my umbrella in hand as cars passing by gave me the strangest looks. A few years ago I was at the MET in New York City and it was raining cats and dogs outside. I watched parent after parent zip on their stroller rain shield and head out in the freezing rain as if it was a daily routine. Which it likely is. Hence, my inspiration for making the three quarter of a mile trek to get coffee on a rainy LA day.

Feeling adventurous, this is what adventure has become in my life, I pushed my little guy to the local Starbucks for a hot latte. As I approached I prepared to do my usual maneuver of the one handed door open while simultaneously getting the stroller inside. Before I could reach the handle a tall slender guy looking incognito in a baseball hat was coming out. He gave me a half smile with his head down as he held the door open. I did a double take. He clearly noticed. It was none other than Will Arnett, stay at home dad extraordinaire and TV crush of every stay at home mom, or any mom for that matter. I must say he was even more adorable in person albeit a bit standoffish. Can you blame him? I'm sure he has a TV set to be at and the diapers of his own kids to change. Maybe he has a nanny for that, nonetheless he's a busy guy.

On the walk back I became less aware of the damper this unexpected rain was having on our day. I held my umbrella with pride and strolled down the street with a slight skip in my step, still giddy from the chance encounter. And then...I hit a bump. My latte tumbled out of the stroller cup holder spilling all over me, my purse and my overpriced stroller. Thank God nothing got on the baby. It eventually landed, spilling out on the sidewalk. The rain was coming down and nap time was in 10 minutes. There was no way I was going back for another. So, I did what any mother would do...I picked the half full cup off the ground and finished the last few sips. I have no doubt Reagan would have done the same.